Our Promise

Sensable Health will allow you to experience a sensible mind and body approach that helps you look better, feel better, and be healthier.

What we do

Sensable Health is a 26 week weight loss program that has a uniquely balanced scientific and personalized approach.

This program was designed with the belief that sustainable weight loss can only be achieved by addressing individual biology, hormones, metabolism, health and habits. We help people scientifically and intelligently lose weight — long term.

What we focus on

The Domains

The interaction of four different Domains within your normal behavior dramatically affects your Set Point, your metabolism and your health. The Set Point is a biologic setting that we all have that affects our metabolism in several ways and keeps our weight fairly steady. When you lose weight, the Set Point causes certain hormones to increase your appetite and slow down your metabolism, among other things. This is the main reason 80% of people regain their weight loss within 1 year after following a diet.

These four Domains are Nutrition, Activity, Sleep and Stress. While each of the Domains has specific factors that affect each of them, they also interact with each other on a daily basis. As an example, when you are under stress, you might find it difficult to go to sleep or stay asleep. In the Sensable Health program, you will learn more about each of these domains and how they interact with each other to affect your health and weight.

The Science behind Sensable Health

Sensable Health focuses on impacting your “Set Point”

Scientific research in the past several years indicates that your body has internal metabolic regulators that stabilize your weight. These regulators include several different hormones, such as insulin, leptin and cortisol, to name a few. These hormones create a Set Point for your body that works to keep your weight fairly constant. To reduce your weight and KEEP THE POUNDS OFF, you have to change that Set Point.

Sensable Health will help you to lower this Set Point in three steps:

  1. Understand the hormonal and behavioral factors that are keeping your Set Point stationary
  2. Create specific goals for you that help establish healthier behaviors in each of the four Domains
  3. Provide recurring reminders from the Sensable Health app and your coach to help you to stay motivated and accountable throughout the program
Start your Sensable Health Journey in 3 easy steps


Sign Up

Confirm that you meet the Sensable Health enrollment criteria, and then complete the registration process on our website.


Receive Your Sensable Health Starter Kit

Complete an online questionnaire, receive your metabolic lab kit and specimen collecting supplies, receive and set up your Fitbit Versa 2 watch and Aria 2 Scale, schedule your On-boarding Coaching call.


Speak With Your Coach And Begin Your Plan

Talk with a Sensable Health coach to learn more about the program, what your lab results and survey responses mean for your personalized Health Plan, and how to begin Phase I of your Sensable Program.

Track your progress

Your Sensable Health Program, Tools and Resources

The Sensable Health program begins with a personalized Health Plan, based on your individual goals, your unique biology, your specific lifestyle considerations and customized support and resources. Key program tools and resources include:

  • Personalized coaching via phone, chat and video
  • Ongoing digital coaching, with daily goals and objectives, educational and motivational materials, and customized tools and resources
  • Rules-based prompts, alerts and reminders to help you achieve your goals and objectives
  • Simple and easy-to-use data logging and tracking tools for Nutrition, Activity, Sleep and Stress
  • A Sensable Health Index to help you keep track of your progress, and identify areas to focus on day-by-day and week-by-week
Our mission

At Sensable Health we are committed to making a positive and meaningful difference in the health of our world, by addressing the Obesity epidemic in the United States and beyond. We are doing this through our Consumer and Corporate Metabolic Health programs, as well through our non-profit program partners – Healthy LifeStars, National Jewish Health.